Dr. Joachim Wichert
Attorney at Law and Certified Employment Law Attorney
Commercial Mediator
Attorney at Law from 1994 to 1999
Judge, Civil Court, Berlin 1999 to 2000
Attorney at Law since 2000
T +49 69 297 287 30 Frankfurt/M
T +49 30 21 48 02 280 Berlin
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Further Activities and Memberships:
- Lecturer of qualifying courses for the examination of Certified Landlord/Tenant Law Attorneys: Hagen Law School
- Editorial Board: Zeitschrift für Miet- und Raumrecht (ZMR) – German Real Estate Law Periodical ZMR
- Employment Law Work Group in the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein)
- fachanwalt forum arbeitsrecht (ffa)
- IBWF Institut für Betriebsberatung
- Wirtschaftsförderung und -forschung e.V., Wirtschaftsförderung und -forschung e.V.
Universität Frankfurt am Main, Law and Philosophy
Doctoral thesis on stock corporations
Certified Employment Law Attorney (Deutsches Anwaltsinsitut)
Accredited Mediator (DeutscheAnwaltAkademie)
You will find all of the publications by Dr. Joachim Wichert here.