Joachim Hund-von Hagen,
D.E.A. en droit (Paris II)
Attorney at Law and Commercial Mediator
Certified Trade and Corporate Law Attorney
Certified Tax Attorney
Attorney since 1995
T +49 69 297 287 30 Frankfurt/M
T +49 30 21 48 02 280 Berlin
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German, English, French
Further Activities and Memberships
- Member and QDR, The Academy of Experts, London
The Academy of Experts, London - Member of the Advisory Board of Experts: Research Center for Commercial Mediation and Negotiation at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (TH Köln)
- German Institution of Arbitration
- Lecturer Qualifying Courses for the Examination of Certified Landlord/Tenant Law Attorneys: Hagen Law School
- Club des Affaires de la Hesse e.V.
Publications and Lectures (selected):
- Öffentliches Recht und Steuerrecht bei Mietverhältnissen (Public and Tax Law in Lease Matters), Hagener Wissenschaftsverlag, 4. Auflage 2022
- Auch Hausverwaltungen von der Änderung betroffen: Bußgeld für fehlende Angaben im Arbeitsvertrag! (Fines for Information Missing in Employment Contracts), Das Grundeigentum 16-2022, 824 (co-author Dr. Joachim Wichert)
- Formularbuch Recht und Steuer, C.H. Beck Verlag, 10th edition 2021, Chapters: Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts (Civil Law Partnership), Partnerschaftsgesellschaft und Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB (Professional Partnership and Partnership with Limited Professional Liability), Schiedsvereinbarung und Mediationsklausel (Arbitration Agreements and Mediation Clause)
- Kommentar BGB, Nomos Verlag, 4. Auflage 2021: §§ 780 – 782, Schuldversprechen, Schuldanerkenntnis (Commentary on the Civil Code, sections 780 – 782, Promise of Obligation, Acknowledgment of Obligation)
- Commentary in the German Business Law Periodical “Betriebsberater” (BB 2020, 1301) of the judgment of the LG Heilbronn: Eilverfahren – keine Entschädigung wegen Betriebsschließung nach CoronaVO“ (BB 2020, 1299) with comment (BB 2020, 1299) regarding compensations for business lock downs due to the covid 19 pandemic
- Anspruch auf staatliche Entschädigung auf Basis des Infektionsschutzgesetzes fristgerecht geltend machen (state compensation according to the Infection Protection Act), Das Grundeigentum 2020, 593 (co-author Dr. Joachim Wichert)
-, 2018
- Research Center for Commercial Mediation and Negotiation at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences: Presentation of the Conflict-Culture-Index 2015 for Businesses and Organizations in Germany, 2016; Symposium on the New Mediation Act (see also photo documentation), 2012
- Universität Freiburg i. Br., Law Degree
- Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), D.E.A. en droit du commerce international
- Certified Tax Attorney (Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut)
- Certified Trade and Corporate Law Attorney (Institut für angewandtes Recht)
- Accredited Mediator (The Academy of Experts, London / DeutscheAnwaltAkademie )
- Accredited Estate Executor (Deutsche Vereinigung für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge)