September 18, 2014
8. October 2014
November 8, 2014
8. November 2014
September 18, 2014
8. October 2014
November 8, 2014
8. November 2014

Freedom of Profession for Chiropractors in Germany


The formation and professionalism of Chiropractors in Germany are not regulated by law. It was acknowledged that foreign qualified Chiropractors are allowed to practice under a license as Heilpraktiker (alternative health practitioner). The authorities usually expected that Chiropractors undertake a full examination for Heilpraktiker which includes a whole spectrum of knowledge in fields that are not relevant for the exercise of the profession of chiropractors. A foreign education was not recognized. This was criticized by Administrative Courts (Verwaltungsgericht) e.g. Administrative Court of Frankfurt am Main by 2 decisions in 2009 (Az: 12 K 31/08.F; 12 K 30/08.F). Recently the same Administrative Court (09.05.2014 -Az: 4 K 3591/12.F) did confirm that foreign graduated Chiropractors are entitled to a license as Heilpraktiker limited to the field of Chiropractic without the requirement of full examination:


A US-American plaintiff represented by aclanz Partnership of Attorneys intended to exercise his profession as chiropractor in Germany. He had studied chiropractic at the renowned Palmer College in Nevada and has practiced his professional skills already for many years. However, the local administration insisted on a further exam: a full-fledged Heilpraktikerprüfung by German standards. The Court ruled: The local administration has violated Art. 12 Grundgesetz (German Federal Constitution) guaranteeing freedom of profession. The Chiropractor must be given a license as Heilpraktiker limited to the practice of chiropractic without any further German exam. Please find further details of the judgment below (in German language only).


However, it was unclear what extend of professional experience is required that the license can be granted without a special exam. The Administrative Court of Frankfurt/Main has confirmed in another case pleaded by aclanz Partnership of Attorneys the principle that Chiropractors must be given a license as Heilpraktiker limited to the practice of chiropractic without any further German exam. Details of the principles applicable in such cases have been already reported on May 9 and 27, 2014 (see below). The cases mentioned before concerned rather experienced chiropractors. The case at hand dealt with a younger chiropractor who naturally had less professional experience: 1000 hours before graduation and thereafter in total 19 months as employee of chiropractors, 4 days a week with 10-16 patients per day were sufficient.


Further information (in German only):

Bayram/Wichert, Anspruch des Chiropraktors auf eingeschränkte Heilpraktikererlaubnis unter Verzicht auf Kenntnisprüfung, Gewerbearchiv 2009, 149 ff.

see: excerpt of the decision of the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgericht) Frankfurt am Main of 09.05.2014 (Az: 4 K 3591/12.F)